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Douglas Queen



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I was born near Glasgow in Scotland. At the age of 10 my family moved to the South West of Scotland. Most of my family continue to live in Scotland apart from me and a niece who live outside of Scotland. I went to University in Scotland and my studies, like most began to define my career path. But it was one sad event in life the led to the choice of the field in which I would spend my entire career - that of WOUND CARE.

Sadly the wife of a friend was injured in an industrial accident at a fireworks production facility and subsequently died of her injuries. At that time I had to choose the topic of my PhD research and one which glaringly appeared on the list was focused on burn wound treatments. It truly was a sign and this has become my lifelong passion and field of interest.


My initial career required that I moved to England and as such my nomadic work journey began.

After spending 13 years living and working there I was offered a corporate transfer to the USA. I spent a couple of years there and not truly having settled, an opportunity of the heart presented itself which necessitated a move to Canada.

This change in life presented new career opportunities and I ended up starting a consultancy business. This opened doors beyond my imagination. While living and "working: in Canada my British connectivity continued through working on various projects. I was proudly Scottish then and continue to be so! Well I suppose with a Scottish accent even today, some 30 years after leaving the UK, it's hard to hide my heritage. Something I never hide and find helps with connection.


My consultancy work permitted me the luxury of residing in Canada, but travelling the world for work. Read the next panel to follow that journey.

Douglas Q.JPG




+1 (416)-409-5276




500 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON, CANADA, M4X1L1


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